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5G hman tuma Mizorama inbuatsaihna sawi

Mizorama 5G Network Roll Out hmalakna kal zelah Mizoram sawrkar Information & Communication Technology department leh sawrkar laipuia Department of Telecommunications tangdun buatsaihin January 27 khan Aizawlah workshop neih a ni.

ICT department chuan Mizoramah internet connectivity tha zawk neih na’n chak takin hma a la a, 5G service hman thuai theih nan 2022 October 31 khan ‘Working Committee for Roll out of 5G Network’ a din a. November 30 khan chief secretary hoa an thutkhawm tawh bakah December 6 khan ICT minister Robert Romawia Royte kaihhruaiin inrawnkhawm a ni.

Tun tuma workshop ah hian Department of Telecommunications deputy director general (National Broadband Mission) Neeraj Kumar leh NELSA director C Lalhmachhuana ten an hmanpui a. Mizoram sawrkar hnuaia ICT department official-te bakah department/ corporation dang – P&E, UD&PA, AMC, Aizawl Smart City Ltd, Transport, Agriculture, Horticulture, DC Aizawl, NIT, NIC, ICFAI BSNL, COAI (Cellular Operators Association of India), DIPA (Digital Infrastructure Providers Association), Indus Towers, ATC Towers, Reliance Jio leh Airtel aiawhte an tel a ni.
DDG Neeraj Kumar hian 5G service chungchangah presentation pe in ‘5G network, fifth generation telecom network technology’ chu internet speed chak leh bandwidth sang tak a nih thu leh, he 5G technology hi kan hmang thei a nih chuan mipuiin kan nitin nun leh khawsakna kawng hrang hrang – transport sector, health, industry, agriculture & livestock, disaster management and safety, smart city hmalakna leh education sector bakah kawng tamtakah hmasawnna thlen theitu a ni dawn tih a sawi a ni.

Tunhnaia sawrkar laipuiin a buatsaih leh hman tan Prime Minister Gati Shakti Portal leh Call Before You Dig (CBuD) mobile applications sawifiah a ni bawk a. CBuD hian a tum ber chu, cable hrang hrang leh lei hnuaia pipelines phum hna thawh a nih avanga mipui leh agency te tana harsatna awm thinte sutkianna tur buatsaih a ni a; lei hnuaia cable emaw pipeline emaw phum turte chuan mobile application CBuD ah an in-register hmasak vek a ngai dawn a, enkawltuten phalna an pek hmasak a ngai tawh dawn a ni.

NELSA director C Lalhmachhuana chuan telecommunication service chungchanga Mizoram dinhmun a sawi a. Mizorama mobile connectivity tihchangtlunna atana hmalakna kal mek leh harsatna awm thinte a sawi a ni. Tunhnaiah sawrkar laipuiin OPGW/ADSS OFC connectivity hmanga Mizorama district leh block zawng zawnga telecom connectivity tihchangtlunna atan sum hmuh a nih thu te, hna thawk tura ICT department a inbuatsaih mek thute a sawi a ni bawk.

Airtel leh Reliance Jio in Mizorama 5G hman tuma hmalakna an report a, hun reiloteah hawn tum a ni tih an sawi.

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