Raltlan chhawmdawlna tur sum mamawhna thlen nawn

Mizoram MP pahnih C Lalrosanga leh K Vanlalvena te chuan sawrkar laipui hnenah Manipur buai avanga sahimna zawnga Mizorama tlanchhiate chhawmdawlna tur Mizoram sawrkarin a lo dil tawh chu pe hmanhmawh turin an thlen.
MP pahnih hian Thawhtanni tlai khan Union Home secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla chu a office-ah kawmin chief minister Pu Zoramthanga’n Manipur raltlan Mizorama lutte chhawmdawlna tura sum a lo dil tawh, tun thlenga pek la ni lo chu a hmanmawh thlak tawh thu leh a rang thei ang bera tihfel a nih theih nan hma la turin an duh thu an thlen.
Aizawl Lammuala Laldenga Cultural Centre sak tur chu state sawrkarin hna tan thuai a duh thu pawh hrilhin, chumi atan chuan Home ministry in no objection certificate pe thuai se an duh thu an sawi a. Union Home secretary chuan a rang thei ang bera Union Home minister lo sawipui a tum thu a lo hrilh a ni.
Mizoram MP pahnih hian The Forest Conservation Amendment Bill chu an thlawp lo ve ve tih an sawi a ni.

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