Rate sawiho

District Level Committee on Fixation of Price of Meat, Vegetables & Fruits Lunglei chu July 11 khan an chairman, bawrhsap Ramdinliani kaihhruaiin an thukhawm a. Lunglei district-a thlai thar, thei, leh sa man mumal zawka rate siam a nih theihna’n sawikhawm a ni. The Mizoram Market Regulation and Facilitation Act 2022 zirho niin Agriculture, AH&Vety, Fisheries leh Horticulture department chu an huamchina tharchhuah rate zirchiang a, kar hnih chhunga report thehlut tura tih an ni. Thutkhawmah hian sawrkar official member-te, District VC Association, District Consumer Association, MJA, Southern Market Association, Lunglei District Merchant Association, Lunglei District Butcher Association te an tel.

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