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Tun tumah chuan, vawiina kan mamawh nghal, thil tul tak leh a ram pum ang pawhin kan hriattur pawimawh lam hawi lawk ila. Organic thlai chauh kan ei thei lova, chuvangin chemical pesticide-a enkawl thlai kan ei mêkte him dam zawka buaipui dan, mi thuziah ka rawn copy/paste lawk dawn a ni. A ziaktu hi Dr.K.Vanlaldinpuia, Asst. Professor, PUC, Dept of Chemistry a ni e…
Thlai leh thei chi hrang hrang atanga pesticide residue paih bo dan te:
Tunhnaiah European Union-in India thil siamchhuah eitur chi hrang 400 chuang atangin rannung thahna hlo chambang (pesticide residue) a hmu a. Heng zingah hian cancer thlen thei, chemical hlauhawm tam tak hmuh tel a ni nghe nghe.
India ramah hian pesticide (thilnung hnawksak thahna hlo) hi kan hmang uar em em mai a. Hengte hi kan eitur- thlai hnah, thei leh thlai rah ah a chambang in, mihring ten kan lo ei tel ta thin a. Eitur a tel phal chin (minimum residue limit – MRL) a pelh phei chuan mihringte-ah natna leh harsatna chi hrang hrang an siam thei hlawm. Mizoramah heng test-na tha leh puitling hi kan la nei ve lo a, phai lam leh khawchhak lam atanga kan eitur lakluh te an him tawk em tih pawh kan la zirchiang ve hleithei lo a ni.
Engpawh ni se, heng thlai hring lam chi ho atanga pesticide residue kan tih fai/paih bo theih nan a hnuai ami ang hian sawngbawl tur a ni. Phai lam atanga thlai lam product kan lakluh ho ah hi chuan pesticide residue a awm ngei turah ngai bawk ila:
1. Tui luanglai (running water) a sil or Tui herh-haw (tap water) hmanga sil: Thlai hnah hring ho bik ah chuan tui luang laia minute nga tal sil hian pesticide residue 77% thlengin a paih bo theih a. Thei leh thlai rah ah phei chuan 80% chunglam thleng pawhin a tih fai theih. Uluk taka minute 5 vel tal sil hi a effective hle.
2. Vinegar tui a chiah: Tui no 3 leh vinegar no 1 chawhpawlha chiah emaw, sil emaw hian pesticide residue a paih bo theih bakah thlai lam chi ho a ti tharlamin a ti hring rei. Thlai hnah hring bikah chuan pesticide residue 51-69% thleng a tih fai theih.
3. Blanching: Tui sa emaw, tui soah emaw hun rei lo te kan chiah/úp hi blanching chu a ni mai a. Hei hian pesticide residue a paih bo hneh viau. Mahse, blanching tih hma hian tui vawta fai taka sil hmasak tur a ni.
4. Baking soda: Tui leh baking soda chawlhpawlh hmangin pesticide residue-te a tihfai theih bawk a. |henkhat chuan limbu tui tlem an telh tel thin. Amaherawhchu, pesticide residue-te hi 100% chuan a ti bo thei chuang lo.
5. Vel/a kâwr paih: Thei leh thlai rah chi hoah chuan a pawnlanga pesticide residue-te hi vel emaw, a tuamtu kawr paih faiin a tihbo theih.
6. Chi tui (salt water) hmanga sil: Chi tui 2% (tui litre khat a chi gram 20 chiah ral) hmanga thei, thlai rah leh thlai hnah hring silin a pawnlanga pesticide residue awmte chu a tihfai deuh vek theih.
7. Thubelh: Sa lam chi hoah pawh hian pesticide residue hmuh fo a ni a. Pressure cooker-a phit tir emaw, kan (fry) emaw hian pesticide ho hi an kehchhe thin.
Mizorama cancer tam em em chhan hi (chhan dang tam tak awm thei zingah) kan eitur thianghlim tawk loh vang a ni thei a ni tih hria ila. Kan eitur uluk ila, silfai leh sawngbawl kawngah a hma aiin i fimkhur lehzual ang u.
a) Dietary Guidelines for Indians, National Institute of Nutrition
b) Effectiveness of Different Washing Strategies on Pesticide Residue Removal: The First Comparative Study on Leafy Vegetables, Foods 2022, 11(18), 2916.
c) https://food.ndtv.com/webstories/food/how-to-remove-pesticides-from-vegetables-17116

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