MPCB-in MINECO chhehvel tifai

Mizoram Pollution Control Board leh Mizoram EIACP Hub tangdun chuan ‘Earth Day 2023’ denchhenin Zirtawpni khan Mizoram sawrkar office hmunpui – Mizoram New Capital Complex (MINECO), Khatlaah hmankhat daih sarang (single use plastics) bawlhhlawh thianfaiin an hnatlang.
MPCB staff-te thawkchhuakin group hrang hrangah an inthen darh a, MINECO huamchhunga kawngdung leh luikawr atangin hmankhat daih sarang bawlhhlawh thahnem tak chharkhawmin, bawlhhlawh sawngbawlna hmun Tuirial-ah an paih a ni.
Earth Day 2023 denchhen hian Mizoram EIACP Hub chuan Mizorama Eco-club zirlai naupangte tan, “plastic bawlhhlawh tihrêm leh plastic thlakna tur” tih thupui hmangin inelna, ‘Online Article Drawing Competition’ leh ‘Online Poster Making Competition’ a buatsaih a ni.
Earth Day 2023 hi April 22 hian khawvel pumah ‘Invest In Our Planet’ tih thupui nen hman a ni dawn a ni.

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