Sri Lanka leh a leibatna ram ten inremna siam

Sri Lanka chuan India leh Paris Club of creditors Japan pawh telin debt treatment plan-ah ‘a thuphungin inremna’ an siam tak thu sawiin hei vang hian leibaa khat thliarkar ram hian International Monetary Fund tanpuina $3 billion recovery package chu a dang thei dawn ta a ni.
“OCC [Official Creditor Committee] leh Sri Lanka te chuan debt treatment thuah Extended Fund Facility (EFF) ruahmannain Sri Lanka leh IMF inremna angin kalpui remtih a ni tiin Paris Club te chuan thuchhuah siamin an tarlang a. Mahse, eng tehna nge an siam tih chu tarlan a ni lo thung a. OCC chuan kar lo awm turah Sri Lanka nen Memorandum of Understanding ziahfel theih beisei a ni tiin a sawi bawk.
Nikuma Sri Lanka-in economic crisis turu tak a tawn lai khan a leiba $ 51 billion a pek theih loh thu a puang a. Chuvang chuan IMF thlawpa a economic recovery programme kalpuiah a loan lak te chu siamthat hna kalpui a ni. May 2023 khan major lenders te chuan OCC dinin Colombo-in debt treatment plan siamsak tura a ngenna chu an ngaihtuah zui ta a ni.
OCC hi India, Japan leh France te paris Club chair ni mek te chuan co-chairman hna an thawk a. Committee chuan Sri Lanka thuneitute nen sawihona an nei zur zut a. Chungah te chuan Colombo leiba ngaihdam theih te, interest payment leh loan term siam that te chu sawiho a ni. Sri Lanka leibatna lian ber China erawh he platform-ah hian a tel ve duh lo va, mahse, observer angin meeting-ah erawh a tel ve thung.
China tih lohah chuan Japan leh India chu Sri Lanka leibat tamna an ni a. Ram pahnihte hian creditor parity leh transparency an ngiat thung.
OCC [Official Creditor Committee] te chuan Sri Lanka chu private creditors te nen pawha inbiakna chhunzawm turin a ti bawk a, private lender te sum tam tak pawh a batsak a ni.

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