World Art Day Celebration 2023

World Art Day Celebration 2023
Art Novelty Gallery hmalaknain IAA India official partner UNESCO leh Art & Culture Department te nen tangkawpin World Art Day Celebration 2023 chu Millennium Centre Atrium-ah neih a ni a, free art workshop bakah resource person Isaac Malsawmtluanga hoin seminar neih a ni. He hun hi Art & Culture Dept. Dy. Durector Lalchuailova’n kaihruaiin, Joint Director Dou chu khuallian a ni a, Rosiamliana, Eminent Artist chu khualzahawm a ni bawk.
State Coordinator Lalhmingmawii’n World Art Day history leh report pein, IAA India Official Partner UNESCO President Manaj Saha chuan video clip hmangin presidential speech a sawi a, Art Novelty Gallery instructor V Laltlanmawia’n lawmthu sawiin hun a khar a ni. He event-ah hian MADS, MFF< MSP, INTACH hruaitute pawh an tel tha hle a ni. D3 Business Enterprise zarah khawvrl hmun hrang hranga artist te message-te screen-ah tihlan a ni thei chu lawmawm a tih thu Art Novelty Gallery neitu Lalhmingmawii, @ Amawii chuan a sawi a, he workshop a tel te hian certificate an dawng vek a, Vision Art Media hotupa Michael Lam chuan Wallace Hartley Awardee WAD, State Coordinator ni bawk Amawii chu International Artist Day a a hmalak thinnaah fakawm a tih thu New York atangin a sawi bawk a ni.

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