Zawhte skateboard tawlh thiamin record siam

American Shorthair cat, a hming Bao Zi an tih mai chu a skateboarding skills a tha riau a, Guinness World Record a siam tlat. He zawte neitu hi Chinese Li Jiangtao a ni a, a zawhte hi skateboard tawlh a thiamtir thei tlat a ni. Bao Zi hian second 12.85 chhungin meter 10 a thui skateboard-in a tawlh hman a, Guinness World Record, zawhte zinga skateboard-a meter 10 tawlh thleng rang thei ber a ni.
Bao Zi hi a neitupa hian a zirtir tha riau a, thiamthil pawh a ngah tlat. A thut tir theih a, a thi der thiam a, a lum kual tir tap tap theih a, doorbell hmeh te pawh a thiam a, thil nawrlirh te pawh a thiam a, basketball dribbling te pawh a ti ve thei tlat.
Li hi pet trainer a ni a, a bik takin ui a enkawl deuh ber thin. Li chuan, “Kum 10 chuang hi ka zirtir tawh thin a, keima ui pawh skateboard-ah a tawlhpui ve fo. Mahse, Bao Zi hi chuan skateboard hi a ngaina ta riau a, a zia nen a inmil tlat avangin ka zirtir ta a ni,” a ti.

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