Corruption leh retheihna umbo na’n Congress thlawp turin sawm

Zoram atanga corruption leh retheihna umbo a nih theihna’na ruahmanna tha tak nei sa Congress party a sawrkar theihna’n mipui thlawpna a ngen tih Congress Thalai president Laltawnliana Sailo chuan a sawi.
May 15 khan MPCC president Lalsawta chuan Congress Thalai Hqrs. office bearers tur a ruat thar a. Congress Thalai vice president atanga president tura ruat tak Laltawnliana Sailo leh OB ruat dangte chuan Thawhlehni khan thuthar thehdarhtute kawmin, thawh ho puiah an sawm.
Mizoramin hun thim leh harsa tak tak a paltlang tawh a, tunah chuan Congress kaihhruai sawrkarin nasa taka hna a lo thawh tawh zar chu ram leh mipuiin kan zo mek ta, ralmuang tak leh infrastructure tha tak takte neiin kan khawsak theih phah tih Congress Thalai president thar hian a sawi. “Khang hun zawng zawnga Zoram min hruaitu tur Pathianin Pu Lal Thanhawla min pe a, tunah Pu Hawla a kum a lo upat tak avangin Pu Lalsawta min pe leh a; Pu Lalsawta hi Pu Hawla pawhin ringngamin a nihna phal takin a kian a ni. Zoram hian hnathawk peihte kaichhuak tur kan mamawh a, corruption umbo kan mamawh bawk a, hengte hi Pu Sawta ho hian kan theih ngei kan ring tlat a, Pu Lalsawta leh Congress party policy ‘Tang Puihna’ hmanga retheihna umbo a nih tih theihna’n mi dik, Pu Lalsawta kaihhruai Congress party hi thlawp a, lo puibawm turin Mizo mipui ka sawm a ni,” a ti.

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