Dana naupang humhalhna ngaipawimawh turin chah

Child Welfare Committee Aizawl District chuan ngenna tichhuakin, tunhnaia Aizawl Hunthar Veng in pakhata electric current cheh chah chuncghang leh a hnulama thil thlengah social media lama naupang kum tling lo pakhatin deusawh leh sawiselna a tawk nasa nia hriat chu tha lo an tih thu an sawi.
‘Naupang kumtling lote hi danin a humhalh tlat avangin an chungchang social media lama sawi leh thehdarh chungchangah mipui kan fimkhur a tul hle a, dan bawhchhiatna a thlen loh zawk nan danin phalna a pek leh thawk ni lo te chu hetiang lama hma la lo tur leh social media lama naupang kaihhnawih thil, a tha lo zawnga post leh comment siam tawh lo turin mipui kan ngen a ni,’ a ti.

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