Europe-ah far-right lian tual tual

Europe-ah Far-right party ten hma an sawn zel a, chu tak chu Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Lemoni pawhin remchangah a la zui zel bawk.
“Inthlan pawimawh tak kan hmachhawn dawn mek a ni” tiin Brothers of Itlay leader chuan Madrid a hall khata pungkhawmte chu video link hmangin thuchah a nei a. Marine Le Pen of France’s National Rally hotu chu tlar hmasa lamah Spain Vox party kaihruai mek tu Santiago Abascal nen an thu dun a.
“Kan khawmualpui harhchhuah leh nana engine kan ni” tiin Italian prime minister chuan a sawi zui bawk.
Far-right te chuan Italy leh Netherlands inthlanah chakna an chang tawh a. France, Austria leh Belgium-ah pawh poll lakah hmahruai mektu niin Finland leh Slovakia ah pawh sorkar-ah an tel bawk.
European Union ram 27 tena June 6-9 inkara inthlan an neih turah vote 10 zelah pathum hui thei ang zel ni tawhin European parliament ah pawh thiltithei tak an ni thei tawh a ni.
Mahse Germnay-ah chuan far-right boruak sang tur chu AfD chhunga inbeihna avangin a thang chak thei lo thung a. Chuvang tak chuan EU a AfD thawhpuite chuan German party te chu European Parliament a far-right Identity and Democracy (ID) group atangin an paihchhuak bawk.
AfD top candidate Maximilian Krah an Adolf Hitler a Waffen-SS chungchanga a ngaihdan a sawi chu an duh lo va, chubakah AfD hotu lawk dang chu Vladimir Putin a Russia atanga sumdawng anga puh a nih bawk vang a ni.
Marine Le Pen chuan a hringtu pa ngei National Rally dintuin extreme view a neih te atanga a party thenfai chu hna pawimawh berah a nei mek bawk a ni.
Marine Le Pen party chu poll lakah 30% vel hmu tawhin kum 2027 a France president thlanna neih turah dinhmun tha ber chang meka ngaih a ni bawk.
Far-right tena Europe a hlawhtlinna an neih len berna Italy a Giorgia Meloni chuan beisei a nei dang hle. A tum ber pawh right-wing force dina Brussels a thuneihna chan a ni.
Meloni EU grouping, European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) tena European Parliament inthlana an chetthat chuan centre right of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen te nen an thawkho tha viau thei.
Vnder Leyen kaihhruai European People’s Party te chu group lian ber ni tura ngaih an ni a, pro-Europe, pro-Ukraine leh rule of law duh an nih chuan ECR te nena alliance siam theih nan a inhawng reng anga ngaih a ni.
ECR-ah hian Brothers of Italy chauh ni lo, Poland right-wing populist opposition party, Law and Justice, Spain a Vox, Purra’s Finns Party, Finnish sorkar a telve mek te leh Swedish sorkar thlawp Jimmy Akesson kaihhruai Sweden Democrats te pawh an tel a ni.
An vai hian Usrula von der Leyen demand siam te chu an pawm vek lo thei a, a bik takin a group zinga centre-right party te chuan ECR te chu an duh lo bur thei. Mahse, an thawkho a nih chuan European Parliament chuan green policy, migration leh asylum lamah chuan policy thar hlak an kalpui rin a ni a. ECR leh ID te chuan an ngaihdan inmil loah te inremna an nei theih a nih chuan bloc thiltithei tak an ni dawn a ni.
ID group-ah hian France’s National Rally, Italy’s League, Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party, Netherlands, Belgium a Vlaams Belang leh Danish People’s Party te pawh ID ah hian an tel.
Eng nge far-right awmzia?
Far-right party a siamtu chungchangah ngaihdan a inang lo. Marine Le Pen leh Wilders te chuan an party an sawina te chu an pawm lo ve ve bawk.
Dutch political scientist Cas Muddle, Europe a far-right te zirchiang rengtu chuan nativeism, authoritarianism leh populism inchawhpawlh tiin a sawi a. Rama cheng hmasa te tih leh ram dang mite ngaihtheihlohna an kalpui nasa a ti.
France-a National Rally leh Brothers of Italy te chuan an far-right label an peksak chu an duh lo hle chungin Cass Muddle a sawifiahna hi ziarangah an nei vek tih a ni.
Immigration leh anti-feminism policy te chu far-right movement a bet tlat tia sawi a ni bawk a. |henkhat chuan gender equality an thlawp mai thei chungin far-right tam ber te chuan hmeichhiate chu in a awm turah an ngai tih a ni bawk.

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