Hospital coffee chinna tlawh

Synod Hospital Durtlanga Coffee Plantation chu Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation minister R Lalzirliana chuan Nilaini khan a hmunah a tlawh a, Synod Hospital director Dr Lalthakima’n a lo dawngsawng.

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Minister chuan kum 2014 vela Synod Hospital-a thawktute leh an department hmalaknaa hospital rama mahni intodelhna rilru pua coffee an ching chu lawmawm a tih thu a sawi a. Coffee kung 3000 vel an phun rah an sawngbawlna tur khawl Coffee Plantation Board atanga chah mek a nih thu sawiin, he khawl hmanga a rah sawngbawl hi Hospital-a thawktute leh damloten tangkai taka hman turin a duhsak tih a sawi. Department lama soil scienstist-ten a chinna leilung endik anga, lei tha pek dan tur an zirchiang dawn tih a sawi bawk.

Synod Hospital Durtlanga coffee plantation hi hectare khat vela zau a ni a, Grace Home chhak atanga ram – ‘Pi Muani kawng’ tia sawi chhaklam thlenga chin a ni.

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