OPS ngiatin indefinite strike nei dawn

Trade Union inhlawmkhawm leh association hrang hrang te Union government hnuaia hnathawk member 28 lakh vel nei, Railways and Central Public Sector Undertakings te bakah STate sorkar hnuaia thawk hnathawk vaibelchhe thum leh zirtirtu te chuan May 1 atangin Old Pension Scheme (OPS) chu tuna hman mek National Pension Scheme (NPS) aia hmang leh tura nawr nan tiamchin awm lovin nawrhna an huaihawt dawn.
Platform steering committee, Joint Forum For Restoration of Old Pension Scheme (JFROPS) te chuan March 19 ah an awmna sorkar theuhah an nawrh tur thu hriattirna pek nise an ti bawk.

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Centre nena inbiakna hlawhchham
Convener of the JFROPS leh general secretary of All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) Shiv Gopal Mishra chuan Centre nena an inbiakna a hlawhchham hnuah tiamchin awm lova nawrh an tithluta niin a sawi.
Mishra hi Cabinet Secretary kaihhruai Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) secretary (staff side) a ni bawk a. “OPS hman a nih leh theih nan lungawilohna kan lantir fo tawh a. Prime Minister leh Finance Minister hnenah pawh OPS hman a nih leh theih nan lehkhathawn kan thawn tawh a. JCM meeting neihnaah pawh kan chhawpchhuak tawh a, mahse, sorkar berin kan thil ngiat te ngai pawimawh duh lovin hei vang hian tiamchin awm lovin nawrhna kan huaihawt ang” tiin a sawi.
Nawrh huaihawt hma in Railways, department hrang hrang leh Centre hnuaia PSUs a hnathawk te hnenah strike ballot sem chhuah phawt niin chutah chuan 100% thlawpna an hmuh thu an sawi.
“Sorkar hnathawk te chuan dawhthei takin sorkar kalphung tibuai hauh si lovin lungawilohna a lantir tawh a. Sorkar awm tawh ten kan demand te ngai pawimawh duh lovin National Pension Scheme chhe tak an kalpui chuhnzawm zel a ni. Judicial Pay Commission chuan judges te tan guaranteed pension pe turin a ti tawh bawk a. Eng vangin nge sorkar hian thleibikna a neih?” tiin general secretary of All India Defence Employees Federation C. Srikumar chuan a sawi.
Sorkar chuan an lungawilohna awm tak mai chu engahmah a ngaih duh loh avanga tiamchin awm lova lungawilohna lantir tur an nih thu sawi bawkin nawrhna kalpui tur zingah pro-government Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangah (BMS) te chauh an tel dawn lo a ni.
Lungawilohna an lantir hunah Lok Sabha inthlanpui neih hun tur puan ni hman se tia zawhna chu Mishra chuan OPS chungchang chu inthlanah issue ni se an duh vang a ni a ti bawk a.
“He issue hi mi vaibelchhe tel te nun nena inzawmna nei a ni. Mipui ten kan demand te sawiho in thutlukna siam rawh se. Model code of conduct pawh awm hman se Cabinet a awm tho a, Cabinet secretary a awma kan demand ah thutlukna a siam thei a lawm” tiin a sawi bawk.

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