
Tonsillitis chu kan dang a awm, tonsil-ah eng emaw dik lo a awm tihna a ni . Tonsil hi kan taksaah infection a awm loh nana defensive mechanism pakhat a ni. Tonsillitis nei thei hi kum bithlih chin a awm lo a, a bikin naupang school kal lai zingah a tam duh lehzual. Tun tumah hian ENT Specialist Dr. Mukesh More-a’n tonsillitis chungchanga hriattur pawimawh a sawite kan rawn tarlang e.
Tonsillitis chu chi hnih a awm:
Chronic tonsillitis: Hetiang tonsillitis hi chuan a awh rei deuh a, thawk rimchhia leh thalbe nêm (tenderness in the lymph nodes) te hi a symptom langsar a ni.
Recurrent tonsillitis: Hei hi chu tonsillitis nasa vak lo a ni a, a awm nawn fo thin.
Tonsillitis chu engvanga lo awm nge?
Tonsil hian kan ka (mouth) kaltlanga kan taksa a virus leh bacteria chi hrang hrang lut tur a lo veng a, chumi atan chuan antibodies a siamchhuak. Mahse, chu tonsil chuan heng infection avang hian a tuar ve thei. Hritlang satliah thlentu virus emaw hrawk tina theitu bacteria emaw te hian tonsillitis an thlen thei. Tonsillitis thlentu tlanglawn deuh ber chu strep bacteria a ni.
Tonsillitis thlen theitu virus hrang hrang te chu:
Herpes simplex virus
Epstein-Barr virus
Influenza virus
Parainfluenza virus
Tonsillitis lanchhuah dan tlanglawn deuh te chu:
1. Thil lem a har
2. Hrawk thip
3. Hrawk thip leh thawk rimchhia
4. Khawsik leh tlun
5. Lu, beng leh pum na
6. Nghawng leh khabe ruh kham/khawng
7. Tonsil vung leh sen deuh tiak
8. Aw chhang
9. Hritlang anga awm
Tonsillitis chu engtia enkawl tur nge?
Tonsillitis enkawl nan antibiotics hman thin a ni a, case thenkhatah chuan tonsillectomy te pawh tih thin a ni. Antibiotic chuan bacterial infection chu a tireh thin. Tonsillitis chu a chronic a nih chuan zai te pawh a ngai ve thin. Tonsillitis neih chuan thil tuiril lan in hnem tur a ni a, mei zuk loh tur a ni.

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