World champion Germany sawptu India tlangvalte

FIH Pro Hockey League London leg-ah Inrinni khan India mipa hockey team chuan sithum faia world champion Germany sawp chungin bul an tan.
Harmanpreet Singh-a hoa fehchhuak India hian Germany tlarhnung khawng tak an sutlang thei kha result duhawm a ni lo thei lo a, drag-flicker Harmanpreet (16th minute) hian goal khat thawhin, Sukhjeet Singh (41st) leh Gurjant Singh (44th)-te’n sikhat ve ve an thawh ve bawk.
World No. 5 India hian FIH Pro Hockey League kal mekah match 13 atanga point 24 rutin table-ah pathumna an luah a; Antwerp leg-a tum hnih ngawt India-in a lo hneh tawh Argentina chuan match 14-a point 26 hum chungin pahnihna an thut a; hmahruaitu Netherlands chuan khelh 12 atangin point 26 bawk an khawl ve tawh.
Inrinni inkhelah German tlarhma lamin first quarter-ah an nawr na hle a, India goalkeeper PR Sreejesh a khawng em a, an paltlang zo lo mai a ni.
Nizan khan India hian Great Britain hmachhawnin, June ni 8, Inrinni hian Germany nen an intum leh ang a, June ni 9-ah Great Britain bawk an su zui leh ang.

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