World Cup 2030 inthlen\awm tum ram palite’n dilna thehlut

South America khawmualpui ram pali – Argentina, Chile, Paraguay leh Uruguay-te chuan thuchhuah intawm siamin Thawhlehni khan 2030 World Cup inthlentawm dilna (South American World Cup bid) an thehlut tih an puang.
Official-a dilna thehluh in-khawm hi kum 100 liamtaa World Cup hmasaber an khelhna Uruguay khawpui Montevideo-ah niin, he hun hi Uruguay secretary of sports Sebastian Bauza, South American Football Confederation (Conme-bol) president Alejandro Do-mínguez, Argentine Football Asso-ciation (AFA) president Claudio Tapia, Argentine minister of sports Matias Lammens, Paraguayan minister of sports Diego Galeano Harrison leh Chilean minister of sports Alexandra Benado Vergara-te’n an telpui.

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Inkhawm kaihruaitu (host) chu AFA niin, he huna chhuak khawm ram pali aiawhte hian South American ram paliin World Cup chu football pianna ram ngeia kirtir an phut tih an thuchhuah chuan a tarlang.

Fifa vice president ni bawk Alejandro Dominguez chuan kum 2030 World Cup hi World Cup dang ang ngawt a nih loh thu sawi chungin he tournament an khelh tan atanga a kum 100-na a nih dawn avangin abik taka lawm a phu tih a sawi a, World Cup hmasaber khelhna ram ngeia hruailuh chu Fifa tan pawh tihawm tak a nih thu a tarlang tel.
World Cup hmasabera champion leh a hnu lama vawikhat world cham-pion ni leh thei Uruguay hian kum 1930 khan an ram khawpui Montevideo-ah World Cup trophy hmasaber an hlawhchhuak a; kum 1978 tournament thlengtu Argentina hian nikum khan a vawithumna atan Arab ramah world title hlawh-chhuakin, tuntuma in-thlentawm dil ram pakhat Chile hian kum 1962 World Cup an lo thleng ve tawh bawk.

Argentine Football Association (Afa) presi-dent Claudio Tapia chuan world champion an nihna zawnah hma an hruai tih sawi chungin an khawmualpuia World Cup kohluh chu South American zawng zawng duhthusam a nih thu a sawi a, centenary kum a nih mai piahlamah football hmangaiha chenchilh tlattute an nih thu a sawilang tel.
Argentina president Alberto Fernandez pawhinTwitter kaltlangin an thenawm Bolivia-in an zinga tel ve a dil tih a sawi.

2030 World Cup hi Europe lamah Spain leh Portugal-in inthlenawm an tum ve dawn a; Morocco leh Saudi Arabia atangin dilna a luh rin a ni bawk.

2026 World Cup thlengtu tur chu tihfel tawh niin, he tournament pawh hi inthlentawm tur bawk niin, ram inthenawm pathum United States, Canada leh Mexico-te’n an thleng dawn a ni.

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