Aizawl City Centre sak mek en

Commerce minister Dr R. Lalthangliana chuan Zirtawpni zing khan Aizawl New Market hmuna building pahnih – Aizawl City Centre tur sak mek a tlawh a. Aizawl East-II bialtu MLA, minister Robert Romawia Royte chuan a hmanpui.
Commerce minister chuan building sakte chu quality vawnthat a pawimawh tih sawiin, building pahnih sak mek chu mipui tam tak chhawr tur a nih bakah hmun laili leh pawimawh taka a awm avangin sak zawh thuai a chakawm tih a sawi a. Khawtlang hruaitute chu bazar sak mekah tawiawm zel turin a sawm.
New Market-ah hian building pahnih – ‘City Centre’ UD&PA (Smart City) hnuaiah leh Commerce & Industries sak City Centre Annexe sak mek a ni a. City Centre project cheng vaibelchhe 41.59 man niin, he hmunah hian dawr 1105 a awm thei dawn a, four wheeler 31 leh two wheeler 79 dah theih tura ruahman a ni. Cold storage, CCTV, service life leh office-te ruahman a ni.
City Centre Annexe-ah hian dawr 135 a awm anga, hawkers 180 – 189 thu thei tura ruahman a ni. Two wheeler 185 leh four wheeler 48 a park theih ang. Project hi cheng nuai 3641.59 senna tur a ni.

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