Apex Court-in BBC documentary ngaihtuah ang

Supreme Court chuan January 30 khan Centre-in BBC documentary India: The Modi Question tih a block khinna petition chu February 6 ah ngaihtuah a remti.

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Petition hi senior journalist N. Ram, advocate Prashant Bhushan tena an theh luh niin hei bakah hian a hranpain advocate M.L. Sharma chuan a theh lut bawk.

Ram leh Bhushan aiawha ding senior advcate C.U. Singh chuan Information Technology Rules hmanga emergency powers hman hnuah an tweet te hlanthlak a ni an ti a. Mahse, blocking order formal taka tihchhuahna chu public domain ah pholan a ni lo an ti bawk.

Singh chuan zirlai he documentary, khatih lai Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi-an kum 2002 riot thlenga dem a nihna entute chu Rajasthan Central University, Ajmer chuan an suspend tiin a sawi bawk a.

Sharma pawhin documentary part hniha then mipui tena an thlir theih khap tlatna chu ‘thleibik nei leh constitutional kalh’ tia sawiin fundamental rights free speech bawhchhiatna a ni tiin a sawi bawk.

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting chuan BBC documentary first episode hi YouTube video tam tak a block zui a, hei bakah hian he video lanna tweet link awmna 50 chuang a dang bawk a. Opposition leader te chuan an thupek hmanga censorship kalpuiah an puh a ni.
He documentary dang tura tihna hi I&B Secretary Apurva Chandra chuan January 20 khan Information Technology Rules, 2021 hmanga emergency powers hmangin a tichhuak a ni.

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