Book of the Year atan Top 10

Book of the Year atan Top 10
Mizo Academy of Letters chuan 2022 chhunga Mizo tawng lehkhabu tha ber Book of the Year an thlang mek a, hemi atan hian 20 an thlan hnuah sawmah an sawr zim ta. Book of the Year atana Top 10-a langte chu:

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Lehkhabu A ziaktu
1. Daidanna Bang Phena Thuruk Zohmangaihi
2. Fangfar Rohmingthanga Ralte
3. Hripui Neitu Pathian K Laltlankima
4. Khauchher Khawhar Mapuia Hrahsel
5. Khuarei Sanga Ralte
6. Kristian Polemics PC Lalropuia
7. Lianchhiari B Lalhriattira
8. Ni leh Thla Kara Leng Malsawmliana
9. Thuruk & Thuhruk Julie L Ralte
10. Zofate u, Finna Zawng Ula F Vanlalrochana

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