Demonetisation-ah white paper phut zel

Congress te chuan Rs 2,000 currency note thleng theia siam leh tihtawp tumna chuan black money chheprelhtute hlawk berah a siam dawn tia sawiin demonetisation exercise kalpuiah khan white paper tihchhuah ngei an phut thu an sawi.
“Eng vangin nge Rs 2,000 note kalpui a nih a, tute nge black money a tawp vek ang titute hriatna turin white paper kan phut a ni. Eng vangin nge Rs 2,000 note te chu laklet leh vek tum a nih? He thilah hian independent India hnua inruksakna turu ber thilah hian white paper kan phut a ni,” tiin Congress thupuangtu Gourav Vallabh chuan a sawi.
“Sorkar hnenah note ban cham riatna thlena kan zawh duh chu, tu te nge Rs 2,000 note siam rawttu leh eng vanga siam nge a nih tih a ni,” tiin a sawi bawk a.
Vallabh chuan March 31, 2023 thleng khan India ramah Rs 2,000 currency note 181 crore lai a awm a, chuta a leng vel chu Rs 3.62 lakh crore vel a ni a ti a. Tuna thutlukna rang taka siamin unorganised sector te mangangin a siam leh a ti bawk a. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) 6 crore leh loneitu 11 crore vel te chuan an Rs 2,000 thleng turin an intlar leh a ngai dawn, an ti bawk.
“Rs 3.62 lakh crore-a a tam ber te hi black money chhep relhtute kuta awm a ni a, tunah Rs 2,000 note chu identity proof tel hauh lovin bank-ah thleng theih tih a ni leh a. Hei vang hian black money chheprelhtute chu royal welcome pek niin an Rs 2,000 note te thleng theihna Modi sorkar chuan a siamsak leh a ni,” tiin Congress thupuangtu chuan a sawi bawk.
Congress leader Gourav Vallabh chuan bank credit growth a chhe zawngin a nghawng ang a, consumer demand tlahniamin, GST collection a hniam phah ang a, chu chuan sorkarin social sector lama a sum sen a titlem ang. “A tawpah chuan hei hian kan pawisate hlutna leh pawmna a tihniam dawn a ni,” tiin a sawi bawk.

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