Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) chuan packaged food items a nutritional information bel te chu thlak danglamin chi, chini leh saturated fat awmzat te chu hawrawppui mai bakah lian zawka ziaka dah tawh turin a ti.
He mi chungchangah hian FSSAI chuan stakeholder ten an ngaihdan an sawi theih nan draft notification a tichhuak dawn a.
Official a thuchhuah siamah FSSAI chuan ‘nutritional information tarlana chini, chi leh saturated fat te chu hawrawppui leh a hawrawp tihlen ni se’ tih chu pawm a ni a ti.
FSSAI Chairman Apurva Chandra hova 44th meeting of the Food Authority neihah nutritional information chungchang bikah hian Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2020 amendment siam remtih a ni a.
“He amendment siam hi consumer tena an thil leh leh in a nutritional value an hriatthiam zual zawk nan leh hrisel zawk nana tih a ni” tiin FSSAI chuan a tarlang.
Draft notification chu public domain ah khua leh tui tena rawtna emaw hnial kalh an duh pawha an hnial theih nan dahchhuah a ni dawn a.
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) a per serve percentage (%) contribution information chu hawrawppui in chini, satuarated fat leh chi ah te ziahlan bik a ni dawn a ni. A hma zawng chuan food product label a nutritional information te hi 2 (v) and 5(3) of FSS (Labelling and Display) Regulation, 2020 hmanga ziah leh a ni \hin.
“Consumer tena duhthlana \ha an siam theih nana hmalakna a nih bakah amendment hian Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) beihletna lamah nasa zawka hnathawkin mipui nawlpui te hrisel zawkna tura hmalakna a ni” tiin thuchhuah chuan a tarlang bawk.
FSSAI ten ruahmanna thar siam
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