Department pathum hmalakna thlirlet

Minister Robert Romawia Royte chuan a department enkawl pathum – Information & Communication Technology, Sports & Youth Services leh Tourism ten kum 2019 atanga 2022 inkara an hnathawh leh hmachhawp a thlirlet pui.
“Hlawhtlinna hi mi pakhat vangin a thleng ngawt thei loa, thawhhona leh inpekna avanga thleng a ni,” Robert Romawia hian tiin, department pathumte hlawhtlin zarzotu a nih angin lawmthu a sawi.
Sports & YS department leh Mizoram State Sports Council-in sports-a thalaite hmasawnna leh hlawhtlinna a thlen dan report a ni a. Mizoram Sports Policy 2019 chu 2019 November 15 khan pawm a ni a, Sports Policy hian vision mumal tak neiin, Mizo thalaite zinga infiamna lama mibikten infiamna khawvela inelna sang berah tel pha a, hlawhtlinna an neih theihna’n te, infiamna lama eizawnna tha an hmuh theihna’n te, infiamna ruhrel tha an neih theihna’n leh Mizo mipuite ‘hnam hrisel’ kan nih theihna atana duan a ni.

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Infiamna lama hlawhtlingten sawrkar hnaa hamthatna an hmuh theihna’n Mizoram sawrkar hnuaia Group B, C, D post direct-a lak turah 5% hauhsak an ni a. Sawrkar hnathawk mekte tan promotion an hmuh theihna tur ruahmanna siam tel a ni.

Sports chu industry dinhmuna hlankai a ni a, Mizoram chu India ram state zinga infiamna industry dinhmun pe hmasa ber a ni. Sports promotion leh yourth development chak zawka a kal theihna’n S&YS hna chanpual siamtha in, Allocation of Business Rules 2019 chhuah a ni a, hei hian sports hmasawnna tur kawng nasa takin a hawng zau a ni. Adoption of Mizoram Sports Policy 2019 ah infiammite hamthatna leh sports facility tha leh sports leh industry kalkawp dan tur, sports tourism leh hmanrua mumal zawka kalpui leh a dangte a awm a ni.

Tourism department chuan khualzinte tana tangkai homestay 77 a enkawl mek a, tourist lodge 69 awm zingah 27 chu outsource a ni. Kum 2019- 2020 inkarah state GDP 3.81% a thawh a, 2020- 2021 khan state GDP ah 3.41% a chhunglut. Adventure leh eco-adventure tourism, wildlife and eco-tourism, sports tourism leh a dangteah ramin hmasawnna a neih nan hma a la a. Mizoram tourism tag line atan ‘Mystical Mizoram’ tih thlan a ni. Kum 2019- 2020 inkarah khualzin nuai 1.61 vel an lokal a. State sawrkar chuan Mizoram Responsible Tourism Policy 2020 a taka hmangin a tihhlawhtlin nan sustainable tourism kalpui a ni.

ICT department hmalakna zingah optical fiber network chu thingtlang khaw hrang hrangah thlun a ni a. Mizoramah 5G a lo luh theih nan hma lak mek niin, ICT enkawl State Data Centre pawh tihphuisui zel a ni.

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