Exit Poll hrang hrangah Congress dinhmun

Exit poll result chuan Ningani a inthlanna neih zawh takna Telangana election ah leh Chhattisgarh-ah Congress te chu chak turin a dah a. Mahse, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan leh Mizoramah te chuan chak tur an dah a inang lo hlawm.
Telangana-ah chuan exit poll te chuan Congress chak turin an dah vek a, kum 2014-a State a nih atanga rorelna chang tawh BRS te chu a tum khat nan paihthlak an nih rin a ni.
India TV-CNX chuan Congress te chu seat 63-79 inkar la turin a dah a, BRS te chu seat 31-47 leh BJP te pahnih atanga pali la turin a dah a. P-Marq poll chuan Congress te chu 58-71 la turin a dah a, BRS te 37-51 a pe bawk a. New 24-Today’s Chanakya chuan Congress te chu seat 71 la tur leh BRS te seat 33 la turah a dah a. TV9 Bharatvarsh Polsrta chuan Congress te chu seat 49-59 la tur leh BRS te chu 48-58 la turin a dah ve thung. ABP-C Voter poll chuan Congress te chu seat 49-65, BRS te 38-54 leh BJP te panga atanga 13 la turin a dah ve thung.
Congress te chuan Chhattisgarh ah pawh sorkar an siam nawn rin a ni a, mahse, kum 2018 ai chuan an tlin tlem an ring zawk thung a. Kum 2018 khan member 90 awmna Assembly-ah seat 68 an la a, BJP te chuan seat 15 chauh an la a ni.
India Today-Axis My India poll chuan Congress te chu seat 45 la turin a dah a, BJP te seat 41 la turin a dah bawk a. ABP-C Voter cvhuan Congress te seat 41-53 leh BJP te seat 36-48 la turin a dah thung a. News 24-Today’s Chanakya chuan Congress te seat 57 leh BJP te seat 33 la turin a dah a. India TV-CNX chuan Congress te seat 46-56 leh BJP te seat 30-40 inkarah a dah a. TV9 Bharatvarsh Polstrat chuan 40-50 Congress pe in 35 chu BJP te a pe a. P-Marq chuan 46-54 Congress leh 35-42 BJP te a pe thung.
Rajasthan inthlan apianga sorkar lai la thlak ziahah pawh Congress te chu BJP te nen an inbei tawk hle a.
India Today-Axis My India leh India TV- CNX polls te chuan inhnehtawk takah Congress chu chungnung hret turah a dah a. A hmasa zawk hian Congress te chu seat 86-106 la turah a dah a, BJP te seat 80-100 la turin a dah thung a. A pahnihna hian Congress te seat 94-104 leh BJP te 80-90 la turin a dah thung. News 24- Today’s Chanakya chuan Congress te seat 101 le tur leh BJP te seat 89 la turin a dah thung.
TV9 Bharatvarsh Polstrat chuan 100-110 BJP te pe in 90-100 chu Congress a pe ve thung a. ABP-C Voter pawhin 71-91 chu Congress pe in, 94-114 chu BJP a pe ve thung a. P-Marq chuan 69-91 Congress leh 105-125 BJP te a ti ve thung.
Madhya Pradesh-ah pawh exit poll te sawi lawk a inang lo fur bawk a.
India Today-Axis My India chuan seat 140-162 BJP leh 68-90 Congress a pe a. News 24-Today’s Chanakya chuan 151 leh 74, India TV-CNX chuan 140-159 leh 70-89 a pe ve thung a. P-Marq chuan party pahnih te 103-122 seats la thei ve veah a dah thung a. TV9 Bharatvarsh Polstrat chuan BJP te chu 106-116 leh Congress 111-121 la turin a dah thung. The ABP-C Voter poll chuan Congress-te chu majority pein 113-137 seats la tur leh BJP te 88-112 la turin a dah thung.
Mizoram bikah India TV-CNX chuan MNF te chu 14-18, ZPM 12-16, Congress 8-10 leh BJP pahnih la turin a sawi lawk a. ABP News-C Voter chuan MNF te chu seat 15-21, ZPM 12-18 and Congress pahnih atanga pariat la turin a sawi lawk thung a. P Marq chuan 14-20 MNF pe in, 9-15 ZPM te a pe a, pasarih atanga 13 chu Congress a pe thung. India Today-Axis My India pathum atanga pasarih MNF a pe a, 28-35 chu ZPM leh pahnih atanga pali Congress te a pe thung.

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